The Window Sanctuary Testimonial Video


A testimonial video from a client who loves your service and product is one of the most powerful marketing tools that is at your disposal. Getting customers and clients to say how much they enjoy your service/product is not like anything that an internal team of Sales and Marketing people can do in terms of impact.

When a potential customer visits your website for the first time, like they are in the case study of The Window Sanctuary. For them to then watch a happy customer directly on video is extremely compelling in terms of customer engagement with the company.

In this particular case, The Window Sanctuary (a client of the agency) managed to find a very satisfied customer who was willing to talk openly about her own experience when she purchased her windows and doors through The Window Sanctuary.


As you can see from the film, Abigail covered many areas of the client’s service and products. This gives people a really good understanding of why a potential client should use The Window Sanctuary to supply their windows and doors, as opposed to any number of competitors running a similar business in the same sector.

Abigail was terrific infront of the camera, which helps enormously, but also what she actually says is very compelling if someone is looking to use a similar company. It’s great to hear from someone directly and can quite often have a considerable influence on a potential customer at the point in which they are considering using a company to assist with their request.

Our advice

The agency produced this film in a very short turnaround time and the client was delighted with the result. 

I’d strongly advise any Marketeer to use this form of Marketing which helps massively, not just with an increase in conversion, but also for the storytelling and background information point of view.

The agency will be delighted to assist you with a short, compelling testimonial video if you’re looking to increase your conversion and sales revenues. Also, it’s a relatively inexpensive form of Marketing, yet however is extremely powerful.

Practice What We Preach

Client Testimonial


“With the aid of Adams Group, I was able to build a company, a very profitable company, and sell it for a substantial sum of money, and walk off into the sunset.”

Geoff Dolan

The Window Sanctuary

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